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SUYS: Weekly Update! 6/5/15

June 5th, 2015

"It's, ah, the, uh, Shut Up Yo Studios We-Weekly update!" said Jeff Goldblum.


Hello and welcome to the Shut Up Yo Studios Weekly Update! We hope you guys all had a great week! Here's a little peek at what we've been up to!


SUY Podcast co-host Eric Coomber has a new-found love for writing as a visual art:


"Back in May, the 12th specifically, Mark Z. Danielewski released the first volume in his latest project, The Familiar: One Rainy Day in May. It’s the first novel in a series of 28, but it’s not just 800 pages of white black ink. There are pictures. The words tilt and shift across the page, and each chapter told from a different character has a different format and style. The first chapter involves a young girl having a panic attack over the thought of trying to find the answer to how many raindrops there are. The words of the question become the very raindrops that haunt her, as her thoughts are scattered on the page. Now, his other novels are artistically adventurous like this, but never to this degree, and I’m very excited to see where it all goes. What I would love, though, is for more authors to combine visual art with their literature. Pantheon Books has been willing to work with Danielewski in the past and the fact that they’ve accepted to take on this challenge of 27 more books shows me that it isn’t an impossible or worthless task to print books that are a little more than books. Little abstract symbols and shapes on a screen or page can bring worlds to life in our minds, and the affect is magnified when the words themselves are just as alive as the worlds they transmit to us as they are in this novel. Sorry if it seems 

like I’m gushing on this because I am, but I really just want more authors to be crazy in the best way possible to make things like this."


SUY Article contributor Mackenzie Portfolio just saw Daredevil on Netflix!


"If you haven’t watched Marvel’s new Netflix series, Daredevil, then I don’t know what you’re doing with your life.  Pick up the phone, call out of work, and binge watch this series immediately. You’ll thank me later.


The 13-episode season is one of the greatest superhero shows I have ever seen. Each episode is action packed, clever, deep, beautifully shot, the list goes on... But what really sets this show apart from the rest in its genre is Wilson Fisk, or as you may better know him as, Kingpin. Without giving away spoilers, Fisk (played by Vincent D'Onofrio) is the first villain that I not only have ever cared about, but maybe care about even more so than the hero. Often when introduced to a villain we’re told as much, and automatically we’ve made up our minds to root against them. But this time it’s different. This time D’Onofrio brings to life a side of Kingpin we’ve never seen before. What makes him so compelling is, like Daredevil, he genuinely wants to make Hell’s Kitchen a better place. He is so convincing in fact that throughout the season you may even find yourself believing in Kingpin’s masterful plans. You may wonder what makes him so different than Daredevil; they are both using unorthodox methods for the same goal.  But don’t be mistaken; while Kingpin can be gentle and even vulnerable, he’s still scary as shit! The season pays equal attention to Matt Murdock/Daredevil, Foggy, and even Karen, but it’s the scenes with Wilson Fisk I looked forward to most. The energy, charisma, and gravitas D’Onofrio has brought to this character, alone, is worth watching the series.


So what are you waiting for?! Tell your boss you’re not going to make it in, Fisk is waiting, and you really don’t want to keep him waiting."


And SUY Co-Host Franco Danger lost his mind hearing about the new Fallout announcement this past week!


"BREAK OUT THE RAD-SUIT AND OPEN UP A BOTTLE OF NUKA-COLA CAUSE FALLOUT 4 IS ON ITS WAY, YOU FERAL GHOULS!!! It's been 5 years since the release of the lively Fallout New Vegas and today Fallout's Facebook page just released the trailer for Fallout 4. Yes it's been 5 years and I know what you're thinking "but Franco! I'm STILL not done with New Vegas!" It's okay, I know, there's a lot of gameplay. Take your time wandering that ever-lasting wasteland cause they still haven't announced a release date. This 3 minute trailer doesn't disappoint! There's a lot of the good old wasteland we love but what looks like a lot of more of a dynamic setting/story line. It does drop a heavy, steamy load of a hint that our character mighttt not be alone in his/her travels. (still unclear if it requires you to make your own character) I'm excited to see what changes they might bring to the table during combat. Also I can't waitttt to see what cool skills and perks they have. (My favorite was the Mysterious Stranger perk.) Check it out yourselves here

Keep fighting the good fight!"


That's about all we can share with ya this week, but stay tuned! We have a batch of fresh, creamy, delicious podcasts coming soon!


Stay Tuned!!!


By Shut Up Yo Studios

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