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The Folks Who Make This Stuff!

Michael J. Foy

"SHUT UP YO STUDIOS, LLC." Co-Founder/Writer/Improviser/Film Enthusiast

Hi, I'm Michael J. Foy!

In College, I was part of the Student run Radio Station, WSAM Alternative Radio. That's where SHUT UP YO! was born(!), and it's that show that inspires this site. Although the faces and locations have changed, the core idea remains the same. We're here to bring you, the people(!), our strange blend of humor and entertainment. Life should be funny. What's the point if you're not having fun? Also, I really like horror movies, video games, like being best friends with dogs and cats, and enjoy a wide variety of music.

Frank Mitchell


​I want people happy. Plain, pure and simple. I want laughing I want fun, I want the free exchange of ideas without the fear of an invisible social contract that we all seem to follow that dicates we are to hide our true selves away, or we'll be crucified by the followers we're convinced we need, but really don't. If the content is good, the fans will come. Don't like what we've got? Happy trails finding something else. Call me pretentious, call me an idealist, and while you're at it you can add "stubborn" and "right" to the list as well. My name is Frank Mitchell... Who are you?

Jade Ashley

Writer/Avid Comic Fan/BATMAN Enthusiast

Ayoooo! It’s Jade Ashley up in the hooooouse. I’m here to rock your eye holes with some sweet comic book reviews. I’m an aspiring comic book writer and I’m hoping to create something that’ll really touch people… No, not like that. You know what I mean. My superpowers include being able to spot a cute dog from miles away, finishing books faster than you can say “supercalifragilisticexpialidocious,” and obsessing over anything Batman. When I’m not saving the world from impending doom, you can catch me making nerdy playlists, watching cartoons, and schoolin’ bitches at Mario Kart. Hope you all enjoy my reviews as much as I enjoy writing em for ya!

Eric Coomber

Writer/Contributor/Video Game Enthusiast

Geographically speaking, Eric Coomber is a bit of an enigma: he’s got the ability to vote in two different countries, neither of which being the one he was born in. Weird, isn’t it? Anyway, he’s a small-time writer here on the site with big-time love for video games and a decent amount of love for everything else featured on the site. As the youngest person writing at SUY, Eric hopes to someday find himself in Scotland studying his true passion: rocks, mountains, and big-ass earthquakes. And maybe finding dinosaurs on the moon.

That would be cool, too.

Mike DiGioia

Mitchoy Chats! & WTFH?! Co-Host/Film Enthusiast

​I'm Mike DiGioia, here to talk movies: The Classic, the great, the good, the bad, and the real ugly; they all deserve some fun, insightful conversation. As I endeavor to receive my MFA in creative writing, in addition to my love of the world of cinema, I find myself more and more compelled to not just talk movies via podcasts, but write about them as well, something I plan on doing here on the Mitchoy Chats website on a weekly basis. Like Walter Matthau says in Charlie Varrick: "I like your bed. You might find this hard to believe, but I've never slept on a round bed." This obscure quote from this obscure movie has nothing to do with what I'm saying, or does it, perhaps? It's time to explore not only the known films in different ways, but to also unearth the films so seldom talked about...I don't know, man.


​Like Jack Nicholson says in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest:

"I must be crazy to be in a loony bin like this."

Teddy "Spaghetti" Lawrence

Full Time Rock Star/Eternal


Alright, rock on!


The name is Teddy “Spaghetti” Lawrence, lead singer and songwriter for "The Deadites". Why do they call me “Spaghetti” you ask? Cause when I play my axe man, my fingers are just like a blur of wet noodles all over it. Our hit single, "Burnin Love" was at the top of the charts and we were on the road to Rock 'n Roll hall of fame material. Well that was before my untimely demise at the hands of a machete wielding maniac...Which was totally NOT rock 'n roll of him to do that man.

Nowadays, I’m the host of the popular “Rockin w/ Dokken!” internet radio hour on Shut Up Yo Radio, exploring the single greatest band to grace this Earth. (I’m talkin CLASSIC line up, George Lynch, Mick Brown, Don Dokken & Jeff Pilson!) Although I might technically be dead, I haven’t, nor will I ever, forget how to partayyy.



“Heaven sent, but baby you're not the one”

- Dokken

Katie McIntire

Mother/Author/TV Host/Psychic Medium

Hello everyone! I’m Katie McIntire! Long Island Mother of two, published author, and host of my very own show! I’ve made dozens of appearances on TV and radio and I just love meeting people! Although my dear husband Ruby has passed on, I still have my sons Matthew and Steven to watch over.  My books include ‘Sugar Plumes & Deer Drops’ and ‘Living with Ghost Dad!’ I’m the host of the popular late night show ‘Dead People! So Scary!: Tales from the Other Side’. I also write a regular column called 'Katie Thinks Thoughts' for the good people at SUY Studios. I enjoy long walks on the beach and just love to laugh! Every day is a blessing!


Mackenzie Portfolio

SUYS' Token Nerd Girl/Writer/Contributor

Mackenzie Portfolio is a television producer by day and an aspiring superhero by night. When she isn’t busy addressing network notes or pretending to fight crime she’s catching up on her overflowing bookcase of graphic novels or becoming a legend, yet again, in Red Dead Redemption.  Seriously, the game came out in 2010 can she just let it go? And the answer is no, no she cannot. As a lover of all things nerdy Mackenzie will bring her take on movie, gaming, and comic news. Why should you listen to her? Well because she brings a fresh perspective in this otherwise sausage fest here at Shut Up Yo! Studios, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing, are we right ladies?!


*Side note: Mackenzie is also a fan of meat.

Franco 'Danger' Roman

Voice Talent/Writer/Improviser/Contributor

The name is Franco... And Danger is my middle name. (Cue James Bond theme) I like my scotch how I like my 50's slang...Neat. I'm the bringer of the absurd and silly, and an enthusiast of observational humor. As an Improviser, comedy writer, aspiring stand up comedian or host of my upcoming podcast I hope to bring you all the laughs and creative new material I could possibly bring. I graduated from the Institute of Audio Research and have been involved with music all my life. I want to incorporate music in everything I do and I think through comedy there are so many great ways to do it. These are a few things you can expect from me: TMI, the word Fuck, lots of music, the occasional mind fuck, my science/Dr. Who fanboy moments, lots of unnecessary word abbreviations, stories about my insanely awkward social life and a bunch of other silly shit. Cause all I want to do is work hard and have a great fucking time with you all. Here's to you getting to know me, and me making you chuckle.  *raises glass* stay thirsty my friends. 







The scotch went down the wrong pipe... Blegh.

Chuck Salamone

Musician/Writer/Voice Talent

Chuck Salamone is a musician, educator, and writer who strives to tap into the bold and raw elements of whatever artform he works within. As he continues to further develop his standards of artistry and creativity, he is a true believer in growth within limitations. As the frontman and rhythm guitarist for the alt/jazzrock band, “Amigos, Amigos!”, Chuck loves to make his presence known and takes pleasure in infecting his audiences with humor and inspiration. Every once in a while, Chuck grows a mustache, but it’s hit or miss.

Joey TwoTones

Voice Talent/SUY! The Podcast! Co-Host/Writer

S’cuse me. Is this thing on? No? Fantastic. Hey, everyone. Joey TwoTones here, and I hope that so far, you’ve enjoyed what I have to offer at ShutUpYo Studios. I’m a social worker by day, which gives me a very interesting look at people, which I think is reflected in my thought process. I have this really awesome habit of throwing out half-thoughts, and explaining about 63% of reasoning behind just about everything, but I swear, it all makes perfect sense to me upstairs. Dear God, how horrifying.


I may not have the wealth of knowledge that some of the others here at SUY! Studios have, but I like to think that I make up for it with spunk, vigor, and a can-do attitude. That having been said, I hope you enjoy listening to me and my nonsense just as much as I enjoy spitting it out there.

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© 2017 SHUT UP YO STUDIOS LLC. Designed by Michael J. Foy & Frank Mitchell. All rights reserved.

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